
Handout – Strength Training For Perimenopause

Menopause is formally defined as the point at which a woman has not had a period for 12 months. The age of onset is typically between 45-55 years, with the age of onset being influenced by both innate (heritable) biological traits and environmental factors, such as smoking and stress.

The period leading up to menopause – called perimenopause – typically lasts for two to eight years (average of seven years) prior to the official onset of menopause. This is the time where the menstrual cycle essentially starts to “wind down”, with ovulation becoming less frequent. The vast majority of women will experience at least some of these common symptoms:

✔ Irregular and/or erratic menstrual cycles, increased PMS symptoms

✔ Hot flushes (technically called vasomotor symptoms)

✔ Mood disturbances, typically an increase in irritability, depression

and anxiety

✔ Cognitive symptoms, including difficulty with memory and ‘brain fog’

✔ Insomnia

✔ Weight gain, particularly around the abdomen

✔ Joint aches

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